--- Customizable IPC server for Wayfire. -- -- @author Javier A. Pollak -- @license GPL-v3 -- @alias Wf-IPC -- @module wf.ipc -- local ffi = require 'ffi' local util = require 'wf.util' local commands = {} wf__ipc_command_callback = function(id, command_name, args) local cmd = commands[command_name] if not cmd then local msg = string.format('Unknown command ' % s '', command_name) return true, msg, 1 end local cb = cmd.handler local result = nil local error_code = 0 --- An ipc command promise. -- -- An ipc command is either a simple _'request-response'_ command or a -- _'watcher'_ command. The command should go as follows: -- -- - For _'request-response'_ commands: The command must only resolve or -- reject the promise. The command may resolve or reject at any time. -- -- - For _'watcher'_ commands: The command must first --Promise:begin_notifications
before then sending any amount of -- notifications at any time. The command mayPromise:end_notifications
-- to signal the end of the notification stream. The command may reject -- only before the call toPromise:begin_notifications
. -- -- In both types of command, the promise will be cancelled in the event of a -- connection drop. This event can be listened for with the --Promise:hook_cancel
method. -- -- @type Promise local promise = { id = id, pending = true, notifying = nil, cancel_hook = util.Hook {}, -- Sync resolve --- Resolve the promise sending a result string to the client. -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam string result_ the result string to send to the client. resolve = function(self, result_) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') result = tostring(result_) self.pending = false end, --- Signal the begining of the notification stream. -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. begin_notifications = function(self) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') -- Synchronous notifications accumulate in this result table. result = {} self.pending = false self.notifying = true end, --- Signal the end of the notification stream. -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. end_notifications = function(self) assert(self.notifying == true, 'begin_notifications() has not been called.') -- This is actually just a special notification. table.insert(result, false); end, --- Send a notification message. -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam string notification the notification to send. notify = function(self, notification) assert(self.notifying ~= nil, 'begin_notifications() has not been called.') assert(self.notifying ~= false, 'cannot send notification after end_notifications()' .. ' has been called.') table.insert(result, tostring(notification)) end, reject_impl = function(self, result_, error_code_) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') result = tostring(result_) error_code = error_code_ self.pending = false end, --- Reject the promise with an error message. -- -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam string result_ the error string to send to the client. reject = function(self, result_) self:reject_impl(result_, ffi.C.WFLUA_IPC_COMMAND_ERROR) end, --- Reject the promise because of invalid arguments. -- -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam string msg the error string to send to the client. reject_invalid_arguments = function(self, msg) msg = string.format('Invalid arguments given to %s: %s\nUsage: %s', command_name, msg, cmd.usage) self:reject_impl(msg, ffi.C.WFLUA_IPC_COMMAND_INVALID_ARGS) end, --- Hook into the promise being cancelled. -- -- A promise can be cancelled if the connection to the client drops -- while the promise is still pending. It is useful to hook into this -- event in order to cleanly cancel any pending state for the command. -- -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam fn() handler the callback. hook_cancel = function(self, handler) return self.cancel_hook:hook(handler) end, --- Unhook from the promise being cancelled. -- -- @tparam Promise self the promise object. -- @tparam fn() handler the callback. unhook_cancel = function(self, handler) return self.cancel_hook:unhook(handler) end } cb(promise, args) if promise.pending or promise.notifying == true then promise.end_notifications = function(self) assert(self.notifying == true, 'begin_notifications() has not been called.') ffi.C.wflua_ipc_command_notify(self.id, nil) self.notifying = false end promise.notify = function(self, notification) assert(self.notifying ~= nil, 'begin_notifications() has not been called.') assert(self.notifying == true, 'cannot send notification after end_notifications()' .. ' has been called.') ffi.C.wflua_ipc_command_notify(self.id, notification) end end if promise.pending then -- Async resolve promise.resolve = function(self, result) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') result = tostring(result) ffi.C.wflua_ipc_command_resolve(self.id, result) self.pending = false end promise.reject_impl = function(self, result, error_code) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') result = tostring(result) ffi.C.wflua_ipc_command_reject(self.id, result, error_code or ffi.C.WFLUA_IPC_COMMAND_ERROR) self.pending = false end promise.begin_notifications = function(self) assert(self.pending, 'Promise already resolved.') ffi.C.wflua_ipc_command_begin_notifications(self.id) self.pending = false self.notifying = true end return 0, nil, nil, function() promise.pending = false promise.cancel_hook:call() end elseif promise.notifying ~= nil then assert(promise.pending == false) assert(type(result) == 'table') return 2, result, nil, function() promise.cancel_hook:call() end else return 1, result, error_code, nil end end ---Functions -- @section Functions local M = {} --- Define a new IPC command. -- -- Parameters are passed in a single array table. -- -- The first argumment is the name of the command. -- -- The second argument must contain the following in this order: -- -- - A single sentence summary ending with a.
. -- -USAGE:
followed by a single line usage synopsis. -- - Any amount of trailing text to be included as additional documentation. -- -- The third argument is a function to handle the command. This function is -- given as its arguments when it is called aPromise
and an array of command -- arguments. -- -- @usage -- -- An example "request-response" command. -- -- Can be run with 'wf-msg wait_for <APPID>'. -- -- local wf_ipc = require('wf.ipc') -- -- wf_ipc.def_cmd { -- 'wait_for', [[ -- Wait for a view with the given app id to be mapped. -- -- USAGE: -- wait_for <APPID> -- -- A message will be returned saying 'View mapped!' followed by the title of the -- mapped view. -- ]], function(promise, args) -- if #args == 0 then -- promise:reject_invalid_arguments('No arguments given.') -- return -- end -- -- local handler -- handler = wf.outputs:hook('view-mapped', function(output, data) -- if data.view:get_app_id() == args[1] then -- promise:resolve('View mapped! ' .. data.view:get_title()) -- wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) -- end -- end) -- -- -- Clean up if the client shutsdown the connection before the command -- -- is resolved. -- promise:hook_cancel(function() -- print('Promise cancelled. Cleaning up.') -- wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) -- end) -- end -- } -- -- @usage -- -- An example "watcher" command. -- -- Can be run with 'wf-msg watch_for <APPID>'. -- -- local wf_ipc = require('wf.ipc') -- -- wf_ipc.def_cmd { -- 'watch_for', [[ -- Watch for views with the given app id to be mapped. -- -- USAGE: -- watch_for <APPID> -- -- A message will be sent saying 'View mapped!' followed by the title of the -- mapped view. -- ]], function(promise, args) -- if #args == 0 then -- promise:reject_invalid_arguments('No arguments given.') -- return -- end -- -- promise:begin_notifications() -- -- local handler -- handler = wf.outputs:hook('view-mapped', function(output, data) -- if data.view:get_app_id() == args[1] then -- promise:notify('View mapped! ' .. data.view:get_title()) -- end -- end) -- -- -- Clean up when the client shutsdown the connection. -- promise:hook_cancel(function() -- print('Promise cancelled. Cleaning up.') -- wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) -- end) -- end -- } -- @tparam {string,string,fn(promise,args)} args The definition of the command. function M.def_cmd(args) if type(args) ~= 'table' or #args ~= 3 then error([[The arguments to def_cmd should be passed in the form: def_cmd { 'command_name', 'Summary. USAGE: usage\nRest of help message.', function(promise, args) -- Handler end, }]], 2) end if commands[args[1]] then error('Command `' .. args[1] .. '` already defined!', 2) end local summary, usage, desc = args[2]:match '^%s*([^.]*.).-USAGE:%s*([^\n]+)%s*(.-)%s*$' if not summary then error([[Invalid format given for docstring. The second argument to def_cmd needs to contain the following in this order: - A single sentence summary ending with a `.`. - `USAGE:` followed by a single line usage synopsis. - Any amount of trailing text to be included as additional documentation.]], 2) end commands[args[1]] = { summary = summary, usage = usage, description = desc, handler = args[3] } end function M.__reset_state() commands = {} end return M