function def_cmd(args:
line 290{string,string,fn(promise,args)}
) -
Define a new IPC command.
Parameters are passed in a single array table.
The first argumment is the name of the command.
The second argument must contain the following in this order:
- A single sentence summary ending with a
followed by a single line usage synopsis.- Any amount of trailing text to be included as additional documentation.
The third argument is a function to handle the command. This function is given as its arguments when it is called a Promise and an array of command arguments.
-- An example "request-response" command. -- Can be run with 'wf-msg wait_for <APPID>'. local wf_ipc = require('wf.ipc') wf_ipc.def_cmd { 'wait_for', [[ Wait for a view with the given app id to be mapped. USAGE: wait_for <APPID> A message will be returned saying 'View mapped!' followed by the title of the mapped view. ]], function(promise, args) if #args == 0 then promise:reject_invalid_arguments('No arguments given.') return end local handler handler = wf.outputs:hook('view-mapped', function(output, data) if data.view:get_app_id() == args[1] then promise:resolve('View mapped! ' .. data.view:get_title()) wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) end end) -- Clean up if the client shutsdown the connection before the command -- is resolved. promise:hook_cancel(function() print('Promise cancelled. Cleaning up.') wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) end) end }
-- An example "watcher" command. -- Can be run with 'wf-msg watch_for <APPID>'. local wf_ipc = require('wf.ipc') wf_ipc.def_cmd { 'watch_for', [[ Watch for views with the given app id to be mapped. USAGE: watch_for <APPID> A message will be sent saying 'View mapped!' followed by the title of the mapped view. ]], function(promise, args) if #args == 0 then promise:reject_invalid_arguments('No arguments given.') return end promise:begin_notifications() local handler handler = wf.outputs:hook('view-mapped', function(output, data) if data.view:get_app_id() == args[1] then promise:notify('View mapped! ' .. data.view:get_title()) end end) -- Clean up when the client shutsdown the connection. promise:hook_cancel(function() print('Promise cancelled. Cleaning up.') wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler) end) end }
- A single sentence summary ending with a
Module wf.ipc
Customizable IPC server for Wayfire.
- License: GPL-v3
- Author: Javier A. Pollak
Class Promise
Class Promise
An ipc command is either a simple 'request-response' command or a 'watcher' command. The command should go as follows:
For 'request-response' commands: The command must only resolve or reject the promise. The command may resolve or reject at any time.
For 'watcher' commands: The command must first Promise:begin_notifications before then sending any amount of notifications at any time. The command may Promise:end_notifications to signal the end of the notification stream. The command may reject only before the call to Promise:begin_notifications.
In both types of command, the promise will be cancelled in the event of a connection drop. This event can be listened for with the Promise:hook_cancel method.
function Promise:resolve(result_: string)
line 54 - Resolve the promise sending a result string to the client.
function Promise:begin_notifications()
line 62 - Signal the begining of the notification stream.
function Promise:end_notifications()
line 72 - Signal the end of the notification stream.
function Promise:notify(notification: string)
line 82 - Send a notification message.
function Promise:reject(result_: string)
line 103 - Reject the promise with an error message.
function Promise:reject_invalid_arguments(msg: string)
line 111 - Reject the promise because of invalid arguments.
function Promise:hook_cancel(handler:
line 125fn()
) -
Hook into the promise being cancelled.
A promise can be cancelled if the connection to the client drops while the promise is still pending. It is useful to hook into this event in order to cleanly cancel any pending state for the command.
function Promise:unhook_cancel(handler:
line 133fn()
) - Unhook from the promise being cancelled.