Module wf

High-level lua bindings to Wayfire's API.


  • License: GPL-v3
  • Author: Javier A. Pollak


Set option values in a given section.
Map a sequence of keys to an action.
Hook into a signal on all outputs.
Unhook from a signal on all outputs.
Reload the lua init file.

Class Core

Set the cursor to the given name from the cursor theme.
Request to hide the cursor.
Request to unhide the cursor.
Move the cursor to the given point.
Get the cursor position in global coordinates.
Get the view that currently has cursor focus.
Get the view that currently has touch focus.
Get the view at the given point.
Give a view keyboard focus.
Focus the given view and it's output.
Focus the given output.
Get the currently focused output.
Move the given view to the output.
Get the Wayland socket name of the current Wayland session.
Get the XWayland display name.
Run a command with the system POSIX shell.
Shutdown the whole Wayfire process.
Get the OutputLayout object representing the layout of the outputs.
Hook into a signal on the Wayfire instance.
Unhook from a signal on the Wayfire instance.

Class OutputLayout

Get the output at the given coordinates.
Get the output at the given coordinates and the closest point on it.
Get the number of current outputs.
Iterate through the current outputs.
Get an output by name.
Hook into a signal on the output layout.
Unhook from a signal on the output layout.

Class Output

Get the screen size of this output.
Get the screen size of this output as a Geometry.
Get the geometry of the screen.
Ensure the pointer is on this output.
Get the cursor position relative to the output.
Invoke a plugin's activator.
Get the view at the top of the workspace layer.
Get the most recently focused view on this output.
Try to focus the view on this output.
Switch workspaces to make this view visible.
Get the output's workarea geometry.
Hook into a signal on this output.
Unhook from a signal on this output.

Class View

Get the view's title.
Get the view's app id.
Get the view's wm geometry.
Get the view's output geometry.
Get the view's bounding box.
Get the view's output.
Set the view's geometry.
Hook into a signal on this view.
Unhook from a signal on this view.


function set(args: {section,option=value,...})
line 258
Set option values in a given section.

The section and option names must already be registered in wayfire by it or some plugin.


    --The arguments are passed in the form:
    set { 'section', option = value, ...}
    -- The wayfire.ini equivalent:
    -- [section]
    -- option = value
    -- ...
function map(opts: ?{pop_keys:number}, keys: string, handler: fn())
line 328
Map a sequence of keys to an action.

The keys string follows similar formatting to that of emacs. Every key is separated by whitespace, and formatted as:


Modifiers are:

| | | | - | - | | S | Shift | | M | Alt / Meta / Mod1 | | C | Ctrl | | s | Super / Logo / Mod4 | | c | Caps |

| | | | - | - | | M1 | Alt / Meta / Mod1 | | M2 | Mod2 | | M3 | Mod3 | | M4 | Super / Logo / Mod4 | | M5 | Mod5 |

Keys must be valid keysym names as defined in <xkbcommon-keysyms.h> or a Latin-1 symbol. (utf8 strings are not handled)

(You can use $ xkbcli interactive-wayland from the xkbcommon tools package to interactively display the keysym names as you type on the keybaord.)


| | | | --- | -- | | C-a | Ctrl and a pressed at the same time. | | C-S-a | Ctrl, Shift and a pressed at the same time. | | C-a b c | Ctrl and a pressed at the same time, then b pressed, then c | | | pressed. |


  • -- Open a terminal window on super + return.'s-Return', function()
  • -- Vim/emacs-like Modal keybinds :)
    -- Toggle music on 'super + n' followed by 'p'.'s-n p', function()
        wf.get_core():run('mpc toggle')
function outputs:hook(signal: string, handler: fn(output,data)): fn(output,data)
line 1140
Hook into a signal on all outputs.

Start listening for and calling handler on this signal. output is the specific Output that triggered the signal. The type of data depends on the signal being listened for. See (TODO: signal definitions page).

Note that this differs from calling Output:hook() on a specific output as we are hooking into this signal for all outputs simultaneously.


  • local wf = require 'wf'
    wf.outputs:hook('view-focused', function(output, data)
        print('View ', data.view, ' focused on output ', output)
  • assert(handler == wf.outputs:hook('view-focused', handler))
function outputs:unhook(signal: string, handler: fn(output,data))
line 1168
Unhook from a signal on all outputs.

Stop listening for and calling handler on this signal.


  • local handler = wf.outputs:hook('view-focused',
                                    function(output, data) end)
    wf.outputs:unhook('view-focused', handler)
  • local handler = function() end
    wf.outputs:hook('view-mapped', handler)
    wf.outputs:hook('view-focused', handler)
    wf.outputs:unhook('view-mapped', handler)
    wf.outputs:unhook('view-focused', handler)
function reload_init()
line 1193
Reload the lua init file.


    -- Reload init on when super + shift + r is pressed.'s-R', wf.reload_init)

Class Core

The Wayfire compositor instance.


local core = wf.get_core()
-- move the cursor to (100, 100)
core:warp_cursor({100, 100})
function Core:set_cursor(name: string)
line 433
Set the cursor to the given name from the cursor theme.
function Core:hide_cursor()
line 442
Request to hide the cursor.

Increments the hide-cursor reference count and hides the cursor if it is not already hidden.

function Core:unhide_cursor()
line 449
Request to unhide the cursor.

Decrement the hide-cursor reference count. If it goes to 0, then the cursor is actually unhidden.

function Core:warp_cursor(position: Pointf)
line 456
Move the cursor to the given point.

The point is interpreted as being in global coordinates.

function Core:get_cursor_position(): Pointf
line 464
Get the cursor position in global coordinates.
function Core:get_cursor_focus_view(): View
line 472
Get the view that currently has cursor focus.
function Core:get_touch_focus_view(): View
line 480
Get the view that currently has touch focus.
function Core:get_view_at(point: Pointf): ?View
line 491
Get the view at the given point.

The point is interpreted as being in global coordinates. Returns nil if there is no view at the point.

function Core:set_active_view(view: View)
line 499
Give a view keyboard focus.
function Core:focus_view(view: View)
line 508
Focus the given view and it's output.

Also brings the view to the front of the stack.

function Core:focus_output(output: Output)
line 516
Focus the given output.
function Core:get_active_output(): Output
line 524
Get the currently focused output.
function Core:move_view_to_output(view: View, new_output: Output, reconf: bool)
line 537
Move the given view to the output.

If reconf is true, then clamp the view's geometry to the target output's geometry.

function Core:get_wayland_display(): string
line 547
Get the Wayland socket name of the current Wayland session.
function Core:get_xwayland_display(): string
line 555
Get the XWayland display name.
function Core:run(command: string): int
line 568
Run a command with the system POSIX shell.

Sets the correct WAYLAND_DISPLAY and DISPLAY variables as well as others in order to make the process properly aware of the Wayfire session.

function Core:shutdown()
line 573
Shutdown the whole Wayfire process.
function Core:get_output_layout(): OutputLayout
line 580
Get the OutputLayout object representing the layout of the outputs.
function Core:hook(signal: string, handler: fn(core,data)): fn(core,data)
line 618
Hook into a signal on the Wayfire instance.

Start listening for and calling handler on this signal. The type of data depends on the signal being listened for. See (TODO: signal definitions page).


  • wf.get_core():hook('reload-config', function(core, data)
        print('The wayfire config has been reloaded!')
  • local wf = require('wf')
    -- Whatever the wayfire config file says, override the option value
    -- as soon as it's reloaded.
        local my_settings = function()
            wf.set {'core', background_color = '#344B5DFF'}
        local core = wf.get_core()
        core:hook('reload-config', function(core, data)
            -- Config was reloaded
  • assert(handler == wf.get_core():hook('startup-finished', handler))
function Core:unhook(signal: string, handler: fn(core,data))
line 648
Unhook from a signal on the Wayfire instance.

Stop listening for and calling handler on this signal.


  • local handler = wf.get_core():hook('view-created',
                                function(core, data) end)
    core:unhook('view-created', handler)
  • local core = wf.get_core()
    local handler = function() end
    core:hook('view-created', handler)
    core:hook('startup-finished', handler)
    core:unhook('view-created', handler)
    core:unhook('startup-finished', handler)

Class OutputLayout

The current layout of the outputs.

Mainly useful for hooking into output layout signals like "output-added".


local output_layout = wf.get_core():get_output_layout()
output_layout:hook("output-added", function(output_layout, data)
    print("new output!", data.output)
function OutputLayout:get_output_at(x: number, y: number): Output
line 678
Get the output at the given coordinates.

Returns nil if no output is on the specified coordinate.

function OutputLayout:get_output_coords_at(origin: Pointf): Output, Pointf
line 692
Get the output at the given coordinates and the closest point on it.

Returns output, closest meaning the output found at the given origin point and the closest point to the given origin on the output.

function OutputLayout:get_num_outputs(): number
line 704
Get the number of current outputs.
function OutputLayout:get_next_output(prev: Output): Output
line 723
Iterate through the current outputs.

Start by calling this function with nil as parameter and then successively call it until the returned value is the same as the first call.


    local first = output_layout:get_next_output(nil)
    local output = first
        print("Current output:", output)
        local output = output_layout:get_next_output(output)
    until output == first
function OutputLayout:find_output(name: string): Output
line 732
Get an output by name.
function OutputLayout:hook(signal: string, handler: fn(layout,data)): fn(layout,data)
line 757
Hook into a signal on the output layout.

Start listening for and calling handler on this signal. The type of data depends on the signal being listened for. See (TODO: signal definitions page).


  • local layout = wf.get_core():get_output_layout()
    layout:hook('output-added', function(layout, data)
        print('An output has been added:', data.output)
  • assert(handler == layout:hook('output-removed', handler))
function OutputLayout:unhook(signal: string, handler: fn(layout,data))
line 788
Unhook from a signal on the output layout.

Stop listening for and calling handler on this signal.


  • local handler = wf.get_core():hook('output-added',
                                function(layout, data) end)
    core:unhook('output-added', handler)
  • local layout = wf.get_core():get_output_layout()
    local handler = function() end
    layout:hook('output-added', handler)
    layout:hook('output-removed', handler)
    layout:unhook('output-added', handler)
    layout:unhook('output-removed', handler)

Class Output

A wayfire output.


local view = -- some View
local output = view:get_output()
function Output:get_screen_size(): Dimensions
line 810
Get the screen size of this output.
function Output:get_relative_geometry(): Geometry
line 818
Get the screen size of this output as a Geometry. The x,y of the Geometry will be 0.
function Output:get_layout_geometry(): Geometry
line 827
Get the geometry of the screen. This should include the screen dimensions as well as meaningful x,y coordinates.
function Output:ensure_pointer(center: bool)
line 838
Ensure the pointer is on this output. If the pointer isn't already on this output, move it.

If center is true, move the pointer to the center of the screen regardless of whether it is already on this output.

function Output:get_cursor_position(): Geometry
line 846
Get the cursor position relative to the output.
function Output:call_plugin(activator: string): bool
line 862
Invoke a plugin's activator.

You can check for the name of an activator by looking at a plugin's metadata xml file and looking for options of type "activator". The actual activator name is prefixed with the name of the plugin followed by a forward slash.


function Output:get_top_view(): View
line 873
Get the view at the top of the workspace layer.
function Output:get_active_view(): View
line 880
Get the most recently focused view on this output.
function Output:focus_view(view: View, raise: bool): View
line 890
Try to focus the view on this output. If raise is true, also raise it to the top of its layer.
function Output:ensure_visible(view: View): bool
line 899
Switch workspaces to make this view visible.
function Output:get_workarea(): Geometry
line 906
Get the output's workarea geometry.
function Output:hook(signal: string, handler: fn(output,data)): fn(output,data)
line 925
Hook into a signal on this output.

Start listening for and calling handler on this signal. The type of data depends on the signal being listened for. See (TODO: signal definitions page).


  • output:hook('view-mapped', function(output, data)
        print('View ', data.view:get_title(), ' mapped!')
  • assert(handler == output:hook('view-focused', handler))
function Output:unhook(signal: string, handler: fn(output,data))
line 954
Unhook from a signal on this output.

Stop listening for and calling handler on this signal.


  • local handler = output:hook('view-focused',
                                function(output, data) end)
    output:unhook('view-focused', handler)
  • local handler = function() end
    output:hook('view-mapped', handler)
    output:hook('view-focused', handler)
    output:unhook('view-mapped', handler)
    output:unhook('view-focused', handler)

Class View

A wayfire view.


-- If view is foot, then set its geometry and hook into the 'title-changed'
-- event of this view.
if view:get_app_id() == 'foot' then
    view:set_geometry({1, 2, 500, 300})

    view:hook('title-changed', function(view, data)
        print('View title changed! New title:', data.view:get_title())
        assert(view == data.view)
function View:get_title(): string
line 983
Get the view's title.
function View:get_app_id(): string
line 990
Get the view's app id.
function View:get_wm_geometry(): Geometry
line 997
Get the view's wm geometry.
function View:get_output_geometry(): Geometry
line 1004
Get the view's output geometry.
function View:get_bounding_box(): Geometry
line 1011
Get the view's bounding box.
function View:get_output(): Output
line 1018
Get the view's output.
function View:set_geometry(geo: Geometry)
line 1024
Set the view's geometry.


    view:set_geometry({x, y, w, h})
function View:hook(signal: string, handler: fn(view,data)): fn(view,data)
line 1044
Hook into a signal on this view.

Start listening for and calling handler on this signal. The type of data depends on the signal being listened for. See (TODO: signal definitions page).


  • view:hook('title-changed', function(view, data)
        print('View title changed! New title:', data.view:get_title())
        assert(view == data.view)
  • assert(handler == view:hook('title-changed', handler))
function View:unhook(signal: string, handler: fn(view,data))
line 1071
Unhook from a signal on this view.

Stop listening for and calling handler on this signal.


  • local handler = view:hook('title-changed', function(view, data) end)
    view:unhook('title-changed', handler)
  • local handler = function() end
    view:hook('title-changed', handler)
    view:hook('app-id-changed', handler)
    view:unhook('title-changed', handler)
    view:unhook('app-id-changed', handler)
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-01-19 21:25:28